Welcome to


Ananda Viplava 


Ananda Viplava is a community that promotes spiritual awaking and service to humanity


What you will find at Ananda Viplava


Programs & Events

The Viplava Center hosts and coordinates many of the activities and events of the Ananda Viplava community. We seek to empower individuals desiring personal and social transformation.

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The Ashram serves as the residence for our Yogic monks. You can experience the Yogic lifestyle by spending time at our Ashram.



The farm has 7 acres under fruit, vegetable and hay cultivation.  All our produce is grown according to Certified Naturally Grown standards.

People can move at unison utilizing fully their potentialities, in harmony with nature and surrounding communities, expanding all possible ways by which they can serve, through education, culture, economics and spiritual upliftment.   – Shrii P. R. Sarkar

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About Us

Ananda Viplava, literally translated as Blissful Revolution, was founded in 2012 as a model for self-sufficiency, sustainable development, cooperative management, environmental consciousness and service-minded spirituality. The community center is located on 84 acres in the beautiful foothills of the Northern Catskills in Purling, NY.











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Our mission is to be a place for spiritual awakening that promotes the physical, mental and spiritual upliftment of all beings. The center will serve as a local nexus for global social transformation.